ESG Commitments

We care about sustainability and social responsibility

Facing the challenges of environmental, health, poverty and other crises, BioDuro actively practices corporate social responsibility and actively contributes to human well-being while ensuring the sustainable and stable development of its business.

We adhere to high standards of compliance and quality worldwide.

At the same time, we align our ESG management strategy with many of the world's leading standards and strive to create stable long-term value for our employees, customers and society.

BioDuro has signed the commitment and is working on our own SBTi target, which is expected to be approved by 2025.
Successful EcoVadis assessment in 2023.

2023 ESG Report

Download the BioDuro 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance Report.
This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the company’s system development and performance in the areas of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and corporate governance.
Radiometric assay
BioDuro can undertake preclinical studies related to radionuclide markers including 35S, 32P, 33P, 125I, 14C, 3H, providing an integrated platform for compound screening and MOA verification
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